Rana el Kaliouby, Mind Control Device

Rana el Kaliouby, Mind Control Device
Courtesy of Affectiva.com

Rana el Kaliouby is a very important and influential bioengineer and fortunately she is living. Since she is living and still quite young there is very little known in the public sphere of knowledge regarding her early years. Foregoing the normal biography a brief overview of her credentials will be presented instead. Kaliouby received her undergraduate and masters degrees at the American University in Cairo. She later received a Ph.D at the University of Cambridge and went on to research at MIT.

Kaliouby has created what is know as an Emotional Social Intelligence Prosthetic. The device has the ability to read emotional cues and translate the information into a tangible medium. A camera is placed in front of the patient and a computer program reads the facial expression. Based on a series of parameters the program will make a judgement on the emotion being presented and thus the emotion will be translated. Unlike just looking at someone and guessing their emotional state the computer can pick up on must more subtle features that a person would not normally pick up on.

So what?
This may seem like a rather useless invention but it is a huge breakthrough for the autistic community. Many with autism have trouble vocalizing emotions leading to a very confusing and frustrating relationship between patient and caretaker. With the use of this technology those with not voice or ability to vocalize emotions will be able to clearly communicate their feeling with others. Who knows, perhaps if you are upset or are feeling strange emotions a computer may be able to tell you what you are feeling, allowing for a quick emotional recovery.
Courtesy of Biomedikal.in

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